Love: Do we know what that is?
Here’s a thought: maybe, we don’t know what love is. In fact, it’s highly probable. I don’t think anyone really knows what love is. It’s an idea that’s been passed down to someone else and to someone else and to someone else who was stupid enough to think he understood it based on how he felt. It’s a flawed conception of perfection. The way it’s been passed down to me is that it’s like the ocean.
It’s scary. Most people don’t get to go to the beach that often, but when they do, they take their clothes off and run into the water to swim around in it. Some people take just their shoes off, roll their pants up and dip their feet into the water just to feel it gently bump against their shins and feel the crevices of their toes sink into the sand, only to walk away from it.
Other people just watch the water and everyone that plays in it but don’t make the effort to take their shoes off.
It’s big. Once you’re in the water it takes a while to come out. Not because you’re so far in but because you let yourself float in. After a point where your feet no longer touched the bed of the sea, you couldn’t control the direction you went in, you let yourself go and the current took you where ever it went.
It’s deep. Oceans stretch far and wide. 70% of the world is oceans for a reason. Love’s like that, where after a point you’re drowning in it. There’s wind from one side and currents from the other. There’s so much love in the world that it’s impossible to say you aren’t near it. You just need to find it.
Finally, the beach is just the beach until you go there with the right person and then it isn’t the same ever again.
Having said all this why is it so hard to love someone purely? Why does it have to hurt so much? Maybe it’s because people really don’t know how to love. It isn’t as complicated as people make it out to be. Maybe, it’s simple and that’s why people don’t understand it. It could just be understanding, passion, patience, caring, and sacrifice. It doesn’t have to hurt but most people don’t seem to be able to grasp that.
So we fight and we cheat and we seek revenge and we break hearts but don’t blame anyone, we don’t know how to love.
No one can teach us. You can’t really tell someone how to love. So they say things like, “when you know, you know” because it’s a feeling. Then they tell you to “fight for what you love”, but they also confuse you and say, “ if you love it, let it go”. Maybe we don’t know what love is and that’s why it’s so hard. Maybe everyone knows what love is and what’s why it’s so hard. Maybe it hurts because we all want a piece of it. Maybe it hurts because no one has a piece of it.
Maybe love doesn’t exist.
Maybe it got lost in translation.
Maybe that guy, in the beginning, had no idea in the first place.